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Recycle-Bot, A Simple Obstacle Avoiding Robot

Updated: Jan 11

Crafted from recycled materials, the "Recycle-Bot" is a testament to the power of imagination and resourcefulness. This nifty little robot doesn't just teach your kids about robotics - it's a hands-on lesson in sustainability and creativity.

The insides of your biomech bug

Category: Robotics

Duration:2 Hours

Level: Beginner

What's the "Recycle-Bot"?

Our "Recycle-Bot" is a simple yet fascinating robot that skitters across the floor, avoiding obstacles with the help of two metal antenna-like switches. When one of these switches gets triggered by an obstacle, the robot cleverly spins away, thanks to its ingenious motor setup. No wheels? No problem! The motor shafts are wrapped in heat shrink tubing, increasing friction and allowing this robot to glide over surfaces with ease.




Antenna Holder:

Making the shell by applying auto body filler to a lid:

Spray-painting and cuting circles from masking type

Final look after applying clear varnish:

Why Should Your Child Build the "Recycle-Bot"?

STEM Learning: Building the "Recycle-Bot" is not just play. It's a valuable STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) learning experience that teaches the fundamentals of mechanical design, electronics, and physics.

Problem-Solving Skills: As your child assembles and tweaks their robot, they'll learn essential problem-solving skills. Understanding how to make the robot navigate around obstacles translates to overcoming challenges in real life.

Creativity and Innovation: By using recycled materials, children learn that innovation doesn't always require brand new parts. Sometimes, the most creative solutions come from reimagining the use of everyday objects.

Hands-On Experience: There's no substitute for hands-on learning. Building the "Recycle-Bot" gives kids the opportunity to work with real tools and components, fostering a sense of accomplishment and technical skill.

Sustainability Mindset: In a world that's becoming increasingly aware of the need for sustainability, this project teaches kids the importance of recycling and repurposing materials in fun and interactive ways.

Join Our Robotics Lab!

Signing up your child for our Robotics Lab means giving them a unique opportunity to step into the future of technology. They'll make new friends, learn from experienced mentors, and most importantly, have a blast while doing it!

No Experience Needed: Our lab is designed for children of all skill levels. Whether your child is a beginner or has some experience, there is something for everyone.

All Materials Provided: We provide all the necessary tools and materials, many of which are environmentally friendly and recycled.

By participating in projects like the "Recycle-Bot," children not only learn about robotics but also gain a sense of responsibility towards the environment. They're empowered to think critically and creatively, and they gain the confidence to tackle complex problems.

Don't miss out on this chance to open the doors of discovery for your child. Spaces are limited, so sign up today and let's build a better future, one robot at a time!

Contact us to enroll and for more information about our Robotics Lab programs.

Let's make something amazing together!


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