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Building an Advanced Plant Watering System: A Journal of Progress

Updated: Aug 7, 2023

*project by Zachy

Table of Contents


Hour One: Laying the Foundation

Together, Zach and I embarked on an exciting quest to develop an advanced plant watering system, a project that transcends the capabilities of conventional models. Our vision was clear, and we were determined to bring it to life within a three-hour timeframe.

Our first hour was dedicated to establishing the foundation. We assembled the hardware, designed the layout, and extended the cables. Key to our system is an OLED display, which not only shows real-time moisture level and its percentage but also tracks and displays its progression over time.

The OLED display was the first component we installed, with each wire and cable meticulously positioned for both aesthetic appeal and robust functionality. We then extended the cables for the mini water pump and the moisture sensor, two crucial elements of our system that work in tandem to regulate watering based on moisture levels.

To ensure durability, we housed the Arduino Mega Mini, the relay module, and the pump's power supply inside a protective plastic enclosure. By the end of the first hour, we had made substantial progress. The hardware was in place, and our advanced plant watering system was starting to take shape. With a solid base established, we were ready to tackle the next steps of our project.


Hour Two: Buzzer Integration, Component Assembly

In the second hour of our project, we made significant strides in shaping our advanced plant watering system. We kick-started this hour by adding a buzzer to our device. This buzzer notifies us when watering commences, enhancing the interactive nature of our system. Moreover, it serves as an alarm for potential over-watering, a safeguard against device malfunction.

Post buzzer integration, we moved to the assembly stage, carefully placing all components into the case. Precision was key here, ensuring everything fit neatly and functionally. Next, we embedded the moisture sensor in the soil, positioning it for accurate readings. The mini water pump found its place in the water tank, primed to hydrate the plants as needed.

Finally, we turned our attention to coding, the element that would breathe life into our assembled hardware. This marked the beginning of testing, as we looked forward to seeing our system successfully complete its first watering cycle.


Hour There: Software Refinement, Component Testing, and Intelligent Watering System Implementation

In the third and final hour of our advanced plant watering system project, we shifted our focus predominantly towards the software aspect. Our primary goal was to ensure smooth and efficient functioning of all the hardware components we had meticulously assembled in the previous hour.

We began by writing basic code to individually test each electronic component of our system. This step was crucial to ensure that each part was functioning as expected before we integrated them all together. Once satisfied with the individual performance, we moved forward to write more sophisticated code to orchestrate the components to work in harmony.

Our vision was to create a smarter, superior watering system. To bring this vision to life, we incorporated an OLED screen into our setup. This screen displays the moisture level and progression whenever the device is operational. Besides, it refreshes the data every minute and presents a curve for a visual interpretation of the data.

We also took special care to avoid overwatering the plants. We coded the system such that the pump would not discharge water more frequently than every 15 minutes. This delay allows sufficient time for the water to permeate the soil thoroughly. Consequently, we can obtain a more accurate reading from the moisture sensor, ensuring optimal watering without the risk of drowning the plants.

As we wrap up the third hour, we're excited to see our smart plant watering system come to life, blending hardware and software components seamlessly for optimal plant care. Stay tuned as we continue to monitor, test, and refine our creation!


Brief overview of components and the underlying physics

1. Arduino Uno: This microcontroller board is the brain of your Arduino system. It's built around the ATmega328P, a microcontroller from the AVR family developed by Atmel (now part of Microchip). The ATmega328P is an 8-bit microcontroller, meaning it can process 8 bits of data at a time. The Arduino Uno has 14 digital input/output pins which can be set to read or write digital values (0 or 1), and 6 of these can be used as PWM outputs for controlling devices like motors with variable power.

Additionally, it has 6 analog inputs for reading values from analog sensors. The 16 MHz quartz crystal provides a clock signal for the microcontroller, ensuring all operations are synchronized. The USB connection allows the Arduino Uno to be connected to a computer to upload programs and the power jack can be used with an external power source if needed.

2. Moisture Sensor: this sensor, also known as a soil hygrometer, measures the amount of water present in the soil. It operates based on resistive sensing, where a constant voltage is applied to two exposed probes that are inserted into the soil. The water in the soil acts as a resistor, and the current flowing between the probes is measured; the wetter the soil, the less resistance and therefore more current flows. This data is then converted into a readable format to indicate the soil moisture level.

3. 5V Relay: A relay is a switch controlled by an electrical circuit. Inside the relay, a small current flowing through a coil creates a magnetic field which pulls a lever and changes the switch position, thus allowing a larger current to flow through another part of the circuit. It's an essential tool for managing power in a circuit and controlling high-power devices. This electromechanical device serves as a bridge between the microcontroller and high power devices, protecting the microcontroller from damage.

4. NeoPixel Stick: The NeoPixel Stick is a chain of 8 high-intensity LEDs made by Adafruit. Each LED, or 'pixel', on the stick is individually addressable, meaning you can control the color and brightness of each LED independently. The color of each LED is determined by the combination of red, green, and blue (RGB) each of which can be set with values from 0 to 255. This allows for over 16 million color combinations per pixel.

5. OLED Screen: OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode. In an OLED display, each pixel is made up of organic materials that emit light when an electric current is applied. Unlike LCD screens, an OLED screen doesn't require a backlight as the organic compounds glow themselves when electrified. This phenomenon, known as electroluminescence, allows for higher contrast ratios and deeper blacks, making OLED screens ideal for various display applications.

6. Mini Water Pump: The mini water pump is a DC motor that drives an impeller, which pushes water from the inlet pipe to the outlet pipe. The impeller's rapid rotation creates a drop in pressure at the inlet, which draws water in. The water is then pushed out at the outlet due to the centrifugal force caused by the impeller's rotation. This mechanism is often used in small-scale irrigation systems or automated watering systems.

7. Buzzer: The buzzer or piezo speaker operates by applying an alternating current to a piezoelectric material, causing it to vibrate. This vibration moves a diaphragm that pushes air back and forth, creating sound waves. The frequency of the alternating current determines the pitch of the sound. They are commonly used in alarms, timers, and confirmation of user input such as a mouse click or keystroke.


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